Saturday, March 19, 2011

Together We Do It


This column has been touching on several aspects pertaining to the submission, vetting and subsequently acceptance of an article for publication in JURUTERA in the past few editions. In general, this is aimed at bringing greater awareness amongst the readers of this monthly bulletin. It is hoped that this greater awareness would translate into better responses from the members of IEM, be it in the form of constructive ideas through feedbacks or even better by sending valuable contributions via technical articles.

Towards this end, the readers are informed of the future themes of JURUTERA two months in advance in the anticipation of greater participation. It would be an uplifting experience for the team to read readers’ comments in their e-mail inbox. At least they know that their hard work did not go unnoticed. Perhaps it is our culture to only comments when something bad happens rather than making effort to be fair by giving credit when it is due and stick when it is necessary. With the advent of mobile e-mail tools, sending e-mails are literally at one’s finger tip to most people.

There are a few groups of people working behind the scene to ensure that this monthly bulletin reaches you on time. The challenge for the team is to do it over and over again every month. Of course there have been and most probably will still be hiccups along the way but rest assured that the production processes are reviewed and improved continuously.

The theme for this month is Mining and Quarry Engineering. Although this area of engineering may be foreign to most people now, the cover story and the accompanying articles should be rather enlightening. An Introduction and Overview of the Structural Steel Design to MS 1993 is another insight for the industry. The usual columns on safety, engineering miscellany, engineering and law, travel notes and other updates should provide an interesting break from your routine.

Finally, in spite of the co-pilot being away attending to a private matter, the flight continues without much disruption. Most important of all, the expected menu to keep everyone freshened up in time for landing is still served timely. Happy reading!

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