Saturday, February 09, 2008

Looking For Love...

Love is one of the most interesting four letter word in the life of mankind. It can be the most interesting situation given the right times and circumstances. It can also be the most painful reminder at other times and circumstances. Does Love has real value or is it the most overrated virtue? I don't really have the answer...I leave to you to figure that out.

Anyway, I was at a food court in a major shopping mall the other day with my other half and our 'Huggie' boy. We settled down at a table to quench our thirst after a round of routine aisle surveying. My hearing and subsequently sight was drawn to a golden couple almost dragging their feet moving between the food counters. Looked like they were trying to decide which counter to patronise and how to get get their food. Suddenly it came to my mind, did this couple come alone, or were they following someone? Most often than not this group of people would not venture to this place on their own. They would have been with a group who are most likely their extended family (read like their kid's family). If so, then why would they be allowed to wonder about and struggle in this kind of situation. Would it not be better if those in d group took them around and show them what foods are available and let them decide? Then why not bring them to a table to wait for the order to be is a self-service area but I'm quite sure someone in the group could do just that.

Trouble with me is that my gut feeling always point to something. True enough, after watching the gradma struggling with the order my eyes trailed her to a table where the grandpa was already seated. Apart from him, there were a man and a woman enjoying their meals like there would be no tomorrow, oblivious to the plight of the two elderly people. Perhaps they were not supposed to bother or care! I do not know what were the relationships between the four but I could almost guess. I almost had tears in my eyes and kept thinking how could this happen? Is there no more love between the young and the old? I can almost be sure that love is never lost from the old to the young...but...

Indeed, it was almost cruel to say the least. I did not know what I could have done but looking at my boy's eyes hoping that he would not ever repeat what the young man and woman did to the golden couple. I am sure the golden couple never minded what's done unto them..perhaps it is normal to them. Perhaps they were thankful enough to be brought to this place although it put them out of it...Perhaps they never thought or expected to be treated other wise. Perhaps they never knew that in the twilight of their years, they were actually looking for love.........

'Do not do unto others what you do not want done unto you'

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